Thursday 14 October 2010

Keeping a dream journal.

Our brain reacts brilliantly to reputation like with dream signs the more we see think and record our dreams the more the idea of dreams registers with our subconscious, leading to more vivid dreams and with time lucid dreams. The average dreamer has five dream cycles per night at the end of each cycle there is a period of REM (dream sleep), most people have on average a hundred mins of REM sleep per night. The closer to morning the longer the REM sleep.
              And this is why you are more likely to remember dreams that occur first thing in the morning. And this is the time you should be using your dream journal.

Keeping a dream journal:

1. Keep your dream journal close to your bed at arms reach. This is very important as you need to get your dreams down on paper as quick as possible, dreams fade very easily. When selecting your journal make sure its of substantial size, the bigger the journal the bigger the dreams.
TIP, When you wake up, shut your eyes and visualise the dreams you had, give your mind a moment to recall them and then proceed to write them down.

2. When recording dreams make sure you keep a record of the dates you had each dream this will help with your dream recall and aid you in interpreting dreams. If you know the date of the dream then you have more chance of recalling the events of that particular day and what relevance they may have with your dream.

3. When writing about dreams always recall everything in the present tense i.e "I am walking" this puts you in the moment, giving the dream a stronger logic.

4. Identify dream themes, this can be locations characters etc. This assessment will aid understanding of dreams and raise your general awareness. You may also find with time you start to see patterns in dreams i.e a certain person will be frequently present, or you find that your in a location more often than not. These regular occurrences can act out as dream signs so the next time you see that person you can perform reality checks " am i in a dream " then if you do come across that person in a dream state and something irregular happens your conscious will realise this leaving the door open to a lucid dream.

5. Sketch your dreams, this can help you to visualise them at a later date giving you a greater understanding of location and scale.

6. Title your dreams appropriately i.e " the nissan micra" this will also aid visualisation at a later date. Also giving unusual dreams or lucid dreams a mark i.e an L for lucid. This will simply make it easier when recalling dreams and also help to work out how many lucid dreams you may have had over a particular time.

7. Keep an actual Diary: Write down as much detail as you can about your day where you went, who you saw, who you were with, every thought location and object. This will inevitably aid you when it comes to decoding dreams, you will be able to compare both worlds with more detail with greater understanding.

This is a short video on how to keep a dream journal this really helped me to understand the significance of writing down my own dreams.

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